Saturday, November 24, 2007

We got our tree!!!!!
Friday night our friends Charlene and Taylor came over for dinner and then we headed out to get our trees. I am still getting use to this Florida holiday thing. We didn't know where "THE" place to get a tree is, so we heading out and stopped at the first place we came to that we knew had trees. Lowes!
Here are the boys entering the "forest" to select our tree.
They had a blast even if there were no Santa, snow, hot coco(we had some later at home),and all the fun that goes along with going out and cutting down your tree.
"mommy, I found one!!!"
Char and Taylor found their tree.
We finally found our tree
Taylor securing them on the roof.

Taylor found himself a little helper.

He would hand Taylor a screw and say "here you go".
It was so cute.
Then Charlene walked up and Easton came to a piece of trash and handed it
to Charlene and say"here you go".

Easton helping Taylor inspect the bottom branches.
"Is it straight?"
It's for the decorating....maybe tomorrow...
Thank you Taylor and Charlene for helping us

1 comment:

becky said...

Wow! I like your tree so far. Can't wait to see it when it is done. Thank you for sharing the pictures, makes me feel almost like I am there. Have fun with the decorating. Love ya all!!!!!