Spring Break Road Trip 2009
This year I wanted to visit family and friends while on our spring break. So we went to Michigan for Easter Week-end and Mammoth Cave was our other main focus.
Starting out on our long treck to Michigan. We made it 11 hours with one stop! All the way into Tennessee. It was a good thing too because of the storm we would have had to go through if we didnt. Here are the boys snug in the back. I thought we did pretty good packing for seven people. We also had to bring extra bedding and towels for the tipi's and cabin. We got everything in and nothing on the top or in my view in the back. All for a 11 day trip!

We made it to Sarahs on Friday and Becky the boys and I spent Saturday with her and our friends.

We took time out to visit the Easter bunny of course!

Easton and Austin

Ethan, Patrick and Evan

Clay and I
Saturday Sarah, Becky and the boys and I met mom and dad at grandpa and grandma Weatherwax's for Easter Sunday Service and Dinner.
We spent the night and spent the day with them Monday.

Becky and I

With my grandmother

Me and my sister Sarah

Me and my boys Easter Sunday

Before we left we had dinner at Logan's
Also Monday morning grandma and grandpa made us a yummy breakfast
Grandpa and Mom and dad
My greandpa and I
We went back to Sarah's Monday night and Tuesday we headed to Dayton.
On the way we stopped in Troy where we lived for a few years.

This is the house where we lived....about 27 years ago. I was yellow and cute then. lol
Where I went to school. Van Cleve
We did make it to Dayton on Tuesday. We visited the Airforce museum and stayed there on base which made it nice.

Wednesday we spent a few hours at IHC and was able only to see a few friends. We also at the Speghetti Warehouse. A first for me and the boys. Of course they loved sitting on the Trolly to eat.
Ethan and I enjoying our dinner on the Trolly

Easton's dedication pictures didnt turn out so I wanted to get one taken with Bro. Bullock who dedicated him. We were happy we were able to see him at IHC.
We were also happy to see Aunt Jeannie
A group shot with the boys before leaving. Can you tell where we are?
So Wednesday night it was my bright idea to spend the night in a tipi. Ok not such a great thing when it is freezing out. But we made it through the night. Ithink I was the only one that froze.
The next day Thursday we spent the morning and early afternoon at the creation museum.

Thursday after the Creation Museum we headed to Cave City where we stayed in a cabin for a couple of nights. The boys really enjoyed it. There was some activities for them to do besides playing on the campground playground. They also enjoyed have a campfire, roasting hotdogs, and marshmellows for smores. On Friday we went to Mammoth Cave. It was really neat!
Friday when we got back to the campground from Mammoth the camp had some kids activities, free mini golf, candybar bingo, hey hey ride with yogi and and outdoor movie.

Aunt Becky and Ethan saving Vinnie

on our hey hey ride.
Saturday we started heading back home with a stop at Robins AFB where we spent the night in two very nice TLF's (Temporary Living Facilities) in Georgia. We made it home safely Sunday evening. We thank God for keeping us safe with no problems and having such a great time!